Wednesday, January 27, 2010

French Revolution Causes Texts

Here are the links to the French Revolution texts.

Apologies that they were not posted here earlier.

Friday, December 18, 2009

French Revolution Documentary

Here is the link to the French Revolution Documentary:

This link should play all nine videos as they are in a playlist. Let me know if you have any issues.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Human Rights

Here is a link to the Human Rights video we watched in class incase you would like to review it again.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Enlightenment

Here are the links to the videos we watched in class on the Enlightenment so that you can review them. If you do not have a summary written for each one you need to do so for next class.

For further details of the Enlightenment you can also watch these videos:

Monday, November 30, 2009


Here is the powerpoint that we used in class on GLOBALISATION. It will help you to complete your EVALUATED task on the subject.

Don't forget to use the notes you made in class.

Your mini poster must contain at least one image (to do with globalisation) and answer the following questions (just in bullet form, there is no need for paragraphs of information for one point):

•What are the risks of Globalisation?
•What are the benefits of Globalisation?
•How is globalisation different today from the past?

If you would like to review the texts we used in class, here are the links:

Don't forget this is the first piece of work to be evaluated on the Citizenship aspect of the course, so make it good.

Good Luck!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Citizenship Homework

Firstly, well done to everyone who presented your Nomadic Cultures projects in class. The posters, powerpoints and even a video were very good. Most of the projects were very well researched. Good job. If you are still to hand me this work, you know how you are, do so first thing next week. Therefore I can have it graded and include this grade on your report cards.

If you used an electronic version to present it, even if this just supported your written work, you must make sure that you email me a copy or print out a copy to hand to me. If you are emailing it please use this address:

Citizen homework!!!
**** You need to complete your survey********

Group 1: Day 9 (Thursday 29th October)
Group 2: Day 6 (Monday 26th October)

You already have 2 questions on your sheets to ask people you know.
You have to design 3 further questions.
You must produce a table of your results, like the one in your handout. You draw another table as you will need 5 columns, one for each question.

You do not need to process your results we'll do that in class.
Bring some graph paper to class.

Good luck!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Hi all,

You have all started the project in class of creating a roleplay situation between a European Explorer and the King/Queen who sponsored them.

Just as a reminder here is the information on the task:

Remember, you can make your 'roleplay' as realistic as you like, costumes, props etc are all welcome on the day. You will perform your roleplay in front of the rest of the class and it will be filmed. If we have some really good, historically accurate performances we may post them on the school website and I will try and award you house points for them too...maybe even a prize...?

Here are the dates you will be performing them in class:

Group 1: 15th October
Group 2: 13th October
Group 3: 6th October

Good Luck!

Apologies to Justin; you got here before me!